Cupcakes and Onesies

I'm taking a break from the Thailand posts for a day or two to show you something very special!
It was time for my sisters hen party - whoop whoop! As non-drinkers, this hen party was a little different to perhaps 99% of those out there, but we loved it all the same.

I made a little collage of photos at the house we were staying at with bunting, photos, confetti and balloons. It was rather cute!

After getting the house sorted for the weekend, we went onto our first event of the weekend.
A year ago, I went to a cupcake class with a few ladies from my family and we loved it! It is called Angel Cake Bakery in Coleraine, with the lovely lady Kathy teaching us new skills. 
Then a few months ago, she put out a competition to win a deluxe cupcake class for a Bride-to-Be. After entering the competition minutes before it closed, I WON! And today was finally the day to go...

(Website for Angel Cake Bakery here -

I decided to make this part a family day. So I invited her fiancee's mother and sister, then my aunties, mum and granny. It would be a lovely time to bond before the wedding.

We arrived to a beautiful afternoon tea with sandwiches, cakes, and  my favourite - different types of tea!

This included us each having to give a story about Claire, which left us in fits of laughter. Then I gave a toast to my sister, and we got eating...

Then we got taught how to make beautiful flowers, butterflies and different colours for our cupcake decorations.

Claire got stuck in to eating the icing...

After decorating in our many varieties of colours and styles, we got down to icing the cupcakes. My favourite was the grass icing...tasted good too!

I'm like a proud mama with my cupcakes...

My Granny was probably the funniest person of the day, between calling Claire a 'Yap' as a child, to making the most vibrant, creative cupcakes. We need to learn from her.

The Bride with her Granny...

Then a good ol' sister-sister pose...

Whilst sadly the bridesmaid sashes never came in the post, the mother of the bride and groom ones did, and looked so lovely!

The top of our faces got slightly blurred by the window, but hey!

This is some of Kathy's beautiful studio, which is completely my style with bunting and decorations.

We then packed up our cupcakes and said farewell for now. Hopefully I will be back soon, I could decorate all day long!

We went for dinner together that night, then shot back to the house for the hens to arrive for a onesie sleepover. This turned out to be such good fun, especially with Bride/Bridesmaid onesies!
We played games, ate a lot and chatted into the night...

We werent as strong as we had hoped...

We all drifted to bed in the early hours, to rest before a day of activities, so stay tuned for that!

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