Ribs & Queenie

It was the day the true adventurse of summer began. We were on our way to Thailand! But hold your horses now, we had to take a quick stop in London for the day, before we jumped to the other side of the world.

We arrived in London after an early start with our bellies growling, so food was the main priority. We arrived at Piccadilly Circus and made our way to ‘Bill’s’ where I had my first ever ribs. I know, whaaat?! We both ordered the Slow cooked BBQ Pork Ribs with hispi slaw and skinny fries with glee, and a little side order of more Sweet Potato Fries to top it off. Have I told you they are my latest obsession, I keep cooking them with everything at home.

The tiredness was starting to hit, and that meant the conversation was flooowing...

My slightly guilty face of how messy this was getting...

But then I thought, "Who cares, this is far too delicious for napkins"...

We decided to just dander around, and see where London took us for the afternoon. We ended up in St. James Park and Green Park a little later on. Everyone had their picnic blankets and bicycles out, soaking up the rays. We nearly ended up asleep with our sleep deprivation getting the best of us.

Of course, since we were so close, we went to visit Buckingham Palace, and joined the many tourists who were getting their picture with the Palace. I even got a few snaps in….

I just love London and the business about it, but I’m not sure I could last more than a few days in it, I’m a country girl at heart in every way.

To finish off the day, we went to visit my lovely aunty and uncle, who fed us up for our long flight the next morning. I have to admit, seeing family was definitely the highlight of the day. But London, I promise I will be back soon, I love you!

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