Eat, sleep, study...repeat...

Eat, sleep, study, repeat. Sound like you right now? Yeah me too! 

This is the time of year when students flock to the library and take up the sweet company of gallons of tea and coffee.

This has been my station for 2 weeks now, and will continue to be until I jump on a plane next weekend - how amazing that will be!! 

I sometimes love exam season (well you know, within reason) as everyone turns just that little bit mad. Zumba at 1am on YouTube, pyjama days and lying on the kitchen floor with your flat mates singing Snow Patrol - Chasing Cars *ahem* is part of the many joys that come with procrastination! 

If your like me and hibernating until it's all over, then all the best! And never forget to #treatyoself during this stressful time. 

So wrap up warm, drink lots of water, grab that cup of coffee and plonk yourself down to revise! It's all going to be okay in the end...ahhh...

And if not and your going insane - put your earphones in, turn Taylor Swift on full blast and just SHAKE IT OFF! 

Now get your bum off the computer and into that book...

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