The Happiest 5k on the Planet

Okay, so I don't really run...or do any amount of real exercise, but my friends decided to do the Color 5k Run and when they asked me to join their team I thought 'Hey, WHY NOT?!'
The 5k Color Run came to Belfast this year. Its not about speed or your fitness level, but getting sprayed in different colours of paint, raising money for Cancer Research and simply having a jolly time together.
You could run it, walk it or dance it if you felt like it. 
Good fun for a good cause.

We arrived to music pumping out, the sun shining and everyone there is smiles ready for a good time.
Don't laugh, but we called ourselves the 'Rainbow Rockets'...

 People turned out in huge numbers, all ready to go! I mean everyone as well, you name it, they were there! The young children, youth and the young at heart. 



We set off, and the first color of 4 was pink, then blue, yellow and finally orange. You just ran up to a cloud of colour!
Oh yes, there was A LOT!

By the end of the race, we felt like we looked like a rainbow and had swallowed one too with all the dust...All part of the fun!

At the end of the race, there was a colour party...uh huh, you heard me right!
We were handed a packet of powder paint, and every six minutes we threw it all up in the air and hey presto, a cloud of powder paint to shower us all!

 Looks pretty pink, doesn't it? (Everyone's shirts were white at the start...)

Ain't no party like a color party, especially since it was opposite the beautiful Titanic Quarters.

So if you ever get the chance to do something that brings smiles like this, please do! Its creative and crazy. And its not too bad to have completed my first 5k, now on to bigger things.
A summers day was well spent for Cancer Research, such a brilliant cause. 
Also, a fantastic day with friends too, we laughed the whole way through and felt on top of the world.
(This was our favourite photo below, and pretty much sums up the day)

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