A few weeks ago, my family and I took our boat out for the first day of summer. 

It was beautifully sunny at home, but when we got there, it was nothing but clouds. Yet it was warm and the lake looked like glass. So we all jumped in for a night of fun!

Andrew took to the water first, never failing to disappoint with his skills!

We don't use a proper wakeboard yet, this is a kitesurfing board. We were not sure last summer whether to slurge and buy a wakeboard, but this one does the job!

My beautiful friend Hannah joined us for one last fling before she headed of to Wales.

I love this girl to pieces. She is always laughing and smiling, with a good story about her week in her back pocket!

We stopped for a few minutes to recharge our energy before deciding enough was enough - it was time to get wet!

I got a brand new winter wetsuit for Christmas and it works a treat in the ice-cold Lough Erne.

We set off again to now see Simon do his thing...

And he didn't disappoint either! They make it look so simple whilst I have tried mulitpe times to get up on the board and ended up face first in the water.

Yeah good times, right?

 We had the lake to ourselves and a boat full of happy swimmers watching as Simon tired (and failed) at many jumps and tricks. 

Sadly I did not get any of his triumphant falls on camera, but they were a sight to behold!

My lovely Hannah decided to give wakeboarding a go.

So Andrew got in the water to help her along (such a sweetie!) and one, two, three....


This is the name we gave to Hannah's moves behind the boat. 

This is because no matter what, that girl held on to that rope as she was dragged face first along the water...with the wakeboard long gone! Her poor face was seen through the waves of the water!

Gotta' love a girl that tries because believe me, I have done the plow many times!

Then here she was -  my sister. We just about got up last summer...for like a second...so we were ready to see what summer 2914 would bring forth.

YAY! She did it! We all screamed and whooped from the boat as she swooshed over the wake.

When things started to get cold, the girls wrapped up well in...ergh...their towels but the boys began to play.

Turns out lying on the back of the boat is quite comfortable. Poor things were just so tired!

As everyone else warmed up and chilled, I jumped into the water for a go.

I promised myself that if I couldn't wakeboard this summer that my trying was over. A girl can only dive face first into the water so many times you know!


I'm not saying it is in any way graceful, but I'm up and speeding along...


But after a couple of minutes, my legs could only take so much of the pressure and I let go. 

However, alas success was here!

Our day was over for now, so we headed back to solid land for food and a warm change of clothes.

I bid farewell to my best lady for a couple of months, but I will see her very soon when she comes home!

Sadly, some of us crashed a little early and may have needed dragged off the boat...

And some were pushed overboard...

Lough Erne, you never ever fail to disappoint!

This place is beyond beautiful! The clouds let rays of light shine in across the glass-like waters. Whether it is rain or shine, this is one of my favourite places in the world.

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