It was a cold and windy night in Edinburgh, we had all finished a lovely flat dinner and were getting ready to wrap up in blankets, with revision in one hand and tea in the other.

But wait...sorry that is what we were meant to do. What we actually did was take a spontaneous trip up Arthur's Seat, in the dead of night, with nothing more than a small torch and a camera to keep us going.

Rachel announced how she had never been up Arthur's Seat, and I hadn't been up since I became a student here. We all gasped and decided we had to go up there and then. Its an unwritten rule to go Arthur's Seat at a student, or even a tourist in Edinburgh. Its the Scottish tradition, and who wants to break traditions?
I was going to stay in and do some much needed work, but of course, I can't say no to an adventure.

I ran to my room and grabbed my coat, camera and my gorgeous red Hunter wellies. They get taken out for these kind of special occasions.

And off we went, with some of us getting a helping hand from the beginning. 
Caroline and I on the way proclaimed how it wasn't that steep, how it would be no bother...when we arrived we all agreed it was a little larger than our memories.

 We dodged some late night runners and cyclists as Rachel serenaded us with songs.

Just look at how beautiful Edinburgh is at night? And that was only the beginning...

My gorgeous girls...


We took a pit stop half way there...some may run up this, but we took the leisurely approach. We stared out into the night sky, looking at all Edinburgh had to offer, from the Castle to our little flat in the distance.


Can you see my ear going red? Yeah sorry, did I forget to mention it was freeeeezing? 

Rachel proceeded to tell me off and demand I get away from the edge. I think I was getting a but too big for my boots (or wellies...).

They got ready for another graceful photo...

Okay, maybe not so graceful after all.

I still love them though, they were so much fun. We just laughed the whole way up!

*Cough* Some took a little longer to get up than others at times...

But we finally made it, and boy was it worth it. A 360 view of Edinburgh in all its glory. I couldn't think of anything more wonderful in that moment, even pictures can't capture it.

It was short lived however, because the wind howled and we were frozen, so we quickly scurried down. Or what we thought was the right way down.

Long story short, we got lost at the top of Arthur's Seat with the small torch to fumble around with. We even came to the cliff edge...obviously 3 girls is not the best idea for this trip. But we made it down in one piece after what seemed like a very long time. I wouldn't recommend going up in the dark, but the view was worth every moment.
We arrived back home a little later than first hoped, thanks to our silly sense of direction. We flung on our pjamies, filled our hot water bottles, and jumped into bed. 

We set off to make memories together, and we definitely achieved that. What lovely girls to have memories with as well. 

I'll leave you with my favourite picture of the night, a selfie at the top. Enjoy!

My last day at home was spent going to my brand new church. What I mean by that is my church at home just built a sparkly, new church. I couldn't help myself but return home for the official opening. I have a special want to return home as well, because it was my big sis that designed the church, she was the architect, oh yeah!!

My church is my family, I have grown up there. I was baptisted there, and grew as a Christian through the years, as I still am. God has been so good to us, blessing us with a building that will cater for all the work that is going to be done there. Through church services to holiday bible clubs!

There was an amazing buzz around the church the whole weekend, Omagh Baptist came alive with hundreds of people walking through the new doors, 'oohing' and 'ahing' the whole time. My sister was praised for her talents.

Oh and did I tell you? My sister is getting MARRIED in this church this summer. She has designed the church she will walk down the aisle in. Now not many brides can say that, can they?

Even got a sneaky picture with the architect herself...

The newspapers told of how we were stepping into new ground, full of possibilities, with God by our side. Mum even sent me a article this week telling of the 'bride-to-be' designed her own church...bridezilla, don't you think?

And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.
Colossians 3:14-16

And some of the verses I was thinking about as I looked about in wonder at God's work.

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
John 14:6 

 One song I kept thinking of too was,

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.

What a blessed weekend at home I had. This was definitely the icing on the cake, seeing my home church grown and walk in faith. But the time came for me to pack my bags again, and fly back to my second home - Edinburgh. It won't be long until I return again though...

Here is a little something I was thinking about earlier. Thought I would share it with you all. 
During time of essays and uni work starting to built up, its amazing to know my hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness.

This may only be day two of being home, but its the only full day. Shame! 
Therefore, we decided it had to be a good one. We packed our car, grabbed the winter wetsuit I got for Christmas (which I have to say was my favourite present) and  decided to hit the beach. It may be cold, windy and no sun in sight, but that is our style! Who wants a crowded beach anyway? 


The snacks in the car screamed 'Northern Ireland' with good ol' Tatyto crisps. These can only be bought in Northern Ireland, and our a little treat every time I return.

We stopped off half way to get lunch, but it wasn't pretty enough to make it on here (a chicken noodle wrap) but the espresso I downed with it...well I think it might have gone a little bit too much to my head, as you will see later on...

We even popped in to a little nearby store for a cheeky nosey, and found these cuties a long the way.
I just wanted to scream when I saw duck cookie cutters, they are far too cute, I will have to do some easter baking with them!

 And some candles too - you should see my room, I'm obsessed with candles at the minute! Does anyone have any recommendations for the best candles out there? Let me know ;)

We hurried back to the car so we could finally hit the beach.

*But first, let me take a selfie*

When we arrived at Portstewart, it looked cold and mizzly, so of course we sprinted to Morrelli's (its famous around here for the best ice cream in town, with lots of other goodies to offer).

We watched the sea crash away from the warmth of indoors, relaxing a bit too much.

But wait, I mentioned that ice-cream...I couldn't possibly leave without some, that would just be rude, wouldn't it?

Now, its time to explain...we never actually got in the water. We arrived on Portstewart Stand with less than excited faces. The waves were a little too mad for my liking, sorry I'm a wuss. I didn't feel like getting THAT COLD either. So we wrapped up for a walk. 

Annnnd this is when the espresso kicked in...

 We looked out at the beautiful sea, before running up the sand dunes.

It was a long way up...

But ever so fun running down. Worth it.

I love Andrew, he is my best friend before he is my boyfriend. He makes every situation fun, and treats me so wonderfully. When I get to see him, every moment is precious as he lives in N.I. and I am studying in Scotland.

My glamorous shot turned out to be *not so classy* and I ended up with a bit more windswept that I had originally gone for.

A lovely passerby offered to take a photo of us once we were back at the beach. However, its that awkward moment when it isn't your dog, but his in the picture! We liked it anyway!

I then proceeded to try and climb some very thin poles. It didn't go so well...

Before I quickly crashed to the ground again. Whoops.

Andrew called me a 'Doofus', I have no idea where he got that idea from.

It was quickly time to leave again for more food. 
We said goodbye to the lovely beach, and vowed to be back again soon.

Andrew wanted out of the cold. Poor thing.

 I stopped off in a local store full of Cath Kidston and Kirsty Allsopp goodies, and bought this to match my room at home. I think I'm going to hang quotes from it.

The Ramore Wine Bar is delicious and cheap. We scurried in and ordered as quickly as we could.

It was a bread selection to start with, full of dips and nuts alongside it.

 Emmmh, to be honest, I can't rememder exactly what this was. Perhaps the duck breast. But all you need to know is that Andrew devoured it within seconds. Honestly, eating with him is pretty much eating along he eats that quickly. But he pays - you win some, you lose some!

I got the Thai Green Chicken Curry Hot Pot with noodles and coconut broth. De-lic-ious.

With a little side order of Parmesan fries. Also delicious.

The whole way home we bopped along to Mumford and Sons! 
A pretty good day if you ask me!

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